Here is a video of me with a microphone in Montclair, New Jersey – on June 27 – at a stupendous place called Tierney’s.

It’s more fun – because it’s upstairs!!

My pal Mott the Sheep even came out for the show – which is always a treat.

Enjoy the watching – and – I’ll enjoy the talking.

Here is a video of me with a microphone in Springfield, New Jersey – on June 17 – at a place called the Comedy Cove where you can see funny while you eat steak.

My pal Little bit came out for the show – which is always a treat.

Watch. Guffaw. Scratch your heads in confusion!

Here is a video of my first stage time with a microphone in the Greater North-East area . . . A place that goes by the name of Tierney’s – in the quaint hamlet of Montclair.

I’m a little rusty – but – hopefully – move quickly enough through my jokey words that you can barely even notice.

Thanks for watching . . .

I hope that you giggled.